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How to integrate Booqable with any other website

Learn the endless possibilities for online reservations by installing Booqable onto virtually any website.

Updated over 5 months ago

If you’re looking to accept online bookings on your existing website, you can install Booqable in a few quick and easy steps.

Booqable provides pre-written installation guides for integrating Booqable with websites made with WordPress, Squarespace, Shopify, and Webflow.

If you are with any other website host, or have a custom-built website was created specifically for your rental business, you can follow the instructions below to install Booqable onto it in a matter of minutes.

How it works

1. Copy the JavaScript code

First, you need to copy the code that will be pasted into your website editor so that Booqable can be installed.

1. Head over to Settings > Online Reservations > Website integration > Other websites and click the JavaScript Snippet button.

2. Under Step 1 - Add the JavaScript snippet, click Copy to clipboard. This is the code you need so the online shopping cart appears on the pages of your online store.

💡Note: Not all websites allow JavaScript codes to be pasted in the method below, as they do not permit third-party platforms like Booqable to be integrated into their websites.

If you are unsure if your website platform allows this, please reach out to their support channel directly.

2. Open your website in editor mode

Your website builder or host should have an editor mode for you to adjust the pages, page content, and coding of your website. In website builders, this is usually called the Theme editor, but can also go under the name of Theme customizer, or Page editor etc.

3. Paste the code into the HTML of each page

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content. The HTML of a website can be edited or added to the Booqable JavaScript code, in order to ensure the bookings made on your website reserve your products in Booqable.

1. Find the HTML of your webpages, and paste the javascript snippet. The HTML of your website editor should appear in a place like the page editor menu, where you can paste the Booqable JavaScript snippet.

2. Repeat this for all webpages. Each webpage of your website editor should have an HTML editor, where you are required to repeat this step and paste it into each page you wish the Booqable online shopping cart to appear on.

3. Find the online shopping cart. For all the pages you have completed the above two steps on, the Booqable online shopping cart should appear on the bottom right hand corner to confirm the installation is complete.

Note💡: If embeddable components are not loading on your third-party website, please try moving the JavaScript snippet to just before the closing </body> tag.


1. How can I install my Booqable products on my website?

Once Booqable is installed on your website, you can easily start embedding products on your website. The article linked below will guide you through this process.

Note💡: This method does not apply to the Booqable website builder

2. What can I do if this installation process isn't working on my website?

If the installation process outlined in the article above is not working, usually indicated by the online shopping cart not appearing on your webpages, you will need to reach out to the customer support of your website provider directly to ask for help with embedding a javascript snippet into the HTML of your website pages.

3. Where can I find the codes to install a collection list, a search bar, or an embedded shopping cart on my website?

If you wish to install other components on your website to create a better booking experience for your customers, you can find the guide for installing all of Booqable's embeddable components in the article below.

You're all set!

You have now successfully learnt how to install Booqable onto any other website.

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