For whatever reason, there may come a time where you need to change the password you have set to access your Booqable account.
If you or a team member need to change their account password, follow the steps below.
How it works
If you are logged into Booqable already, and need to change your account password for better ease-of-use, follow the instructions of Step 1.
If you have forgotten your account password, and are logged out of Booqable, follow the instructions of Step 2.
1. How to change your password when logged into Booqable
1. Hover over your avatar in the lower left corner and click User settings.
2. Enter a new password and your current password.
3. Click Save.
If you're logged in but have forgotten your password, first log out of Booqable.
2. How to change your password when logged out of Booqable
Go to
Select your company and click Forgot password. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to set a new password.
If you're still having trouble accessing your account, get in touch with our customer support.
You're all set!
You have now successfully learned how to change your account password in Booqable.