Every rental business is different in how they price their rental products and services.
The following article will outline the different ways in which you can price your products in Booqable to suit your unique rental business.
How it works
After enabling global pricing, you can price your products and services in a variety of different ways.
When you adjust the pricing of any of your Booqable products or services, they automatically update on your Booqable created or integrated online store.
1. Set up product pricing
View the product for which you want to configure pricing.
Click the Pricing tab.
Toggle "Charge for this product" to enable or disable product pricing.
2. Choose a pricing method
Except for consumable items, you can apply several pricing methods to products.
3. Choose a fixed fee method
Charge a price per hour, day, week, or month (e.g., $50 per day).
As prices round up; product that costs $10 per hour will be charging $10 for rentals up to an hour, and $20 for rentals longer than 1 hour and up to 2 hours.
Likewise; if a product costs $10 per day, you charge $10 for rentals up to 24 hours, and $20 for rentals longer than 24 hours and up to 48 hours.
4. Choose the fixed price method
Charge a fixed price, regardless of the rental duration (e.g., $50 per order).
5. Choose a pricing structure
Set up tiered pricing (e.g., $50 for 1 day, and $75 for 2 days, and $20 for each extra day).
💡Note: this article describes one-off structures, which apply to a single product. Use template pricing structures to apply the same structure to multiple products (even if they have different base prices).
Pricing structures consist of one or more price tiles:
As with other pricing methods, prices round up; when the duration of a rental is longer than the duration set in a tile, the next tile is applied.
In the example above, the tile for 3 days is used for any rentals longer than a day.
If the rental period exceeds all tiles, you can charge an optional fee for each extra hour, day, week, or month:
6. Set prices for product variations
Except for products using a one-off pricing structure, prices are set per variation.
So for a product that's priced per day, the price per day is set from the Variations tab.
7. Taxes and discounts
8. Security deposits
Set a security deposit value that will be used in security deposit settings. Default security deposit settings are set to order amount.