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How to create and adjust email templates
How to create and adjust email templates

Learn how email communication can be automated on the backend through the creation of email templates in Booqable.

Catrin Donnelly avatar
Written by Catrin Donnelly
Updated over 8 months ago

Writing individual emails to customers can be a time-consuming task that can take valuable hours out of your team's work-day.

Thankfully, Booqable allows you to create and store email templates in settings, to send to your customers from the order screen in the click of a button.

This reduces the risk of human error when writing out customer and order details, and means you never have to write out a repetitive email again!

How it works

Email templates use variable fields that you can use to automatically input the customers details (like name, address, extra information), product details, and order details into the email.

💡Example: {{order.price}} will give you a number like 42
You will want to add information around the variable in your email template to get more information about what that number means:

Your order total is ${{order.price}}.

Adding that sentence to your email template will give you the following in the actual email:

Your order total is $42.

To create and adjust an email template, login to your Booqable account and go to Settings > Emails.

You'll notice there are two types of email templates, automatic and manual emails.

1. Adjust automatic emails

This includes all emails that Booqable sends automatically on you behalf, during different times of the order.

The online reservation confirmation, for example, is sent to your customers automatically after they placed an order from your website.

1. Click into the automatic email you wish to edit.

2. Edit the email text with whichever adjustments you wish.

3. To add a variable to bring up automatically populated text, such as the customer name, click on the Variables link on the left side of the screen. This will open up a list of variables for you to add to this email.

4. To adjust the formatting and design of this email, click the link Markdown styling in the left side of the screen to bring up the email styling guide.

5. When you are happy with your changes, click Save.

💡Note: When adding or removing any variables from your pre-made email templates that contain tables, it is essential that you correct the alignment of the tables that may have been effected with these changes. This will ensure the formatting of the table remains intact throughout the changes you make to the email variables.

You can learn more about correcting the formatting of email tables in the link below.

2. Manual emails

Manual emails are those you can click on from the Template drop-down menu on the Send email pop-up on any order within your Booqable account.

They are useful for a wide variety of purpose, such as sending an email confirming the reservation of an order, or a supporting email for an invoice attachment.

You can adjust the emails we already have created for you, and add new templates of your own.

1. Under manual emails, click the button for Add email template.

2. Set up your email template settings.

3. Set a template name, this is used for you and your team to recognise a template before sending it off the order screen, and is not visible to customers.

4. Set the Template available when viewing setting to determine if you can select this template when sending an email, when viewing an order, when viewing a customer, when viewing an invoice/quote/contract, or all four options.

5. Set the email Subject. This is the email subject line that your customers will see when receiving the email.

6. Create the email Message. This is the main content of the email template. 

7. To add a variable to bring up automatically populated text, such as the customer name, click on the Variables link on the left side of the screen. This will open up a list of variables for you to add to this email.

8. To adjust the formatting and design of this email, click the link Markdown styling in the left side of the screen to bring up the email styling guide.

9. When you are happy with your changes, click Save.

Best practices

1. Use conditional formatting

Conditional formatting in the templates acts like if/then statements. It will behave as "if this variable has data with it, then show the following information.

This currently works with {{order.lines}} and {{order.totalDiscount}}. They would each look as follows:

{{quantity}} x {{title}} | {{displayPrice}}
Your discount is: {{order.totalDiscount}}

In both of these examples, the # initiates the conditional statement while the / indicates that the conditional statement is over.

Between the line with the # and the line with the / is where you will put your data. Any text put in that section will be shown. So in the above examples, the actual emails will look like this if the conditions are met:

5 x Example Item | 25.00
Your discount is : 5.00

Additionally, if variables such as hasDiscount, hasTotalTax, hasDeposit have a value of 0, the line including those variables will not show up in the e-mail. As a bonus, the variable hasExclusiveTax will show up only if the "Exclude tax from product price" setting is used.

💡Note: Variables prefixed with order are only for manual emails.
Variables in the webshop confirmation email must be prefixed with cart, with the exception of order.number).

2. BCC all outgoing messages

Sending a copy of every outgoing message to yourself or someone on your team is also possible!

You can add the email addresses in this general section of the email settings. If you have multiple email addresses to receive the BCC, you can separate them by comma

This will include webshop confirmation emails as well.

3. Keep track of emailed documents

If you wish to view which documents have already been sent to your customers via email and which haven't, you can easily do this in your Booqable account.

1. Go to the Documents page in Booqable and use the Sent filter on the left hand filter bar to select Yes or No. Yes will show all documents already sent to customers via email, and No will display those documents yet to be emailed.

You're all set!

You have now successfully learned how to create and adjust email templates in Booqable.

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