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How to customize how prices are shown

Learn the best way to display competitive pricing by setting up how prices are shown on the online store.

Updated over a year ago

Just like your pricing itself, the way you display pricing to your customers is unique to your rental business

You can follow the article below to learn how to customize how prices are shown in Booqable.

How it works

You can change the way prices are displayed on your website by going into Settings > Online reservations > Preferences > Show prices.

1. Show prices in the online store

You can choose if prices are displayed in your online store. Hiding prices is useful if you want your customers to request a quote, for example.

1. You can use prices in Booqable without showing them online by disabling “Show prices in online store”. 

If the blue box is checked, prices will be shown in the online store.

If the box is empty and white, and the pricing options are not shown, prices will not be shown in the online store.

2. Display your pricing online

You can choose how you want your pricing in the online store to show up.

Prices in the online store can be displayed in 3 possible ways; as a charge period, as an order period, and as a cheapest (base) price.

Charge period

Shows the label for the duration that’s charged, regardless of the order duration.

💡Example: For a product that is $10 a day, you may charge a 2 day price for a 3-day rental. The price will be displayed as “2 days $20.00".

Order period

Shows the label for the selected order period, regardless of the duration that’s actually charged.

💡Example: For a product that is $10 a day, you may charge 2 days for a 3-day rental. The price is displayed as “3 days $20.00”.

Cheapest (base) price

Displays the ‘from’ price, regardless of the selected order duration.

The rental duration may be different from the charge duration (when using advanced pricing rules to exclude pickup/return days for example).

💡Example: For a product that is $10 a day, for a 3-day rental, the price is displayed as “1 day $10".

You're all set!

You have now successfully learned how to customize how prices are shown in Booqable.

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