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How to create product page templates
How to create product page templates

Learn how to save time creating a rental store by creating product page templates on the Booqable Rental Website Builder.

Updated over a year ago

Product page templates are the pre-set design and layout that you wish all of your individual product pages to follow in the Booqable Rental Website Builder.

Maybe you wish all of your product pages to include the date picker at the top of the screen, and an extra image underneath the product's details that includes your rental business's logo. Or perhaps you want all of your product pages to be as minimalist as possible.

By setting up a product page template, you can save the time it would take to make sure each product page matches one another, and create a one-size-fits-all template to create consistency in your website.

How it works

Editing the product page template in the Booqable Rental Website Builder is very similar to editing any other page on your website.

The only difference is that you have to include and edit the Details section in the page, which contains all the information about your products individually. This includes their name, images, pricing, add-to-cart button, and description.

1. Find the product page template

1. Open up the Rental Website Builder by clicking Online store from the left hand main Booqable side menu, and click Customize.

2. Click Templates button from right hand side of the top customizer menu.

3. Click the Product button from the sidebar menu that will appear on the left.

2. Edit the product description in a separate tab

In a new tab, open up your Booqable account's backend, and start editing your product's description.

1. In your Booqable main menu sidebar, click Inventory and select the product you wish to edit.

2. Then, go to the Settings tab and scroll down to Online store; this is where you will find a text box labeled Description. Here, you can enter a description for your product as you wish for it to appear on your website.

3. Add a date picker

1. Click back into the tab that has the Rental Website Builder open with the product template page.

2. By default, your product page template will include a Date picker at the top of the page above the product details. If you wish, move the Date picker to any part of the page, like below the product information for example.

This is done by clicking the double line symbol to the right of the Date Picker title in the left hand side menu, and dragging it to the position you wish. The actual date picker on the webpage will follow.

4. Add other sections

Adding other sections to your product page template works the same as any other page on your website.

1. Click the Add section in the menu on the left of the website builder. You may, for example, choose to add recommended products that you want to encourage customers to add to their reservations.

πŸ’‘Note: To learn more about website sections, read our article about them and how they can be used on your rental website here.

When you are finished updating your product page template, hit the Publish button from the right hand side top menu of the Rental Website Builder customizer.

You're all set!

You have now successfully learnt how to save time by creating product page templates in Booqable's new, all-in-one Rental Website Builder.

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