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Getting started with reports and exports
Getting started with reports and exports

Learn how reports can give helpful insights about products' performance, availability, and upcoming bookings in Booqable.

Updated over a year ago

Booqable has three types of reports that you can generate, to gain important insights about three key factors of running a rental business.

These reports can help you prepare, predict, and adjust how you and your team purchase rental stock and managing busy time periods.

Another key method of tracking the activity within your account is by exporting information from Booqable to store digitally, or in printed form. Keep reading to learn more!

How it works

1. Learn how to track the revenue, usage, and popularity of products and their stock items by generating product performance reports.

2. Learn how to quickly generate a quantity list of available products within a selected time period, by generating an availability report.

3. Learn how to accurately prepare for orders quickly by displaying a list of products due for pickup, by generating a pickup report.

4. Learn how to export order, payment, customer, document, product, and performance information straight from your Booqable account.

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